EDA6047 – Organizational Behavior
The course provides participants with an analytical background to the study of educational management and administration from a systems and organisational perspective. Organisational dynamics considers human behaviour and learning within organisations and their implications for leadership. Many examples used in this course are taken from corporate contexts; however, the themes, concepts, and theories may be applied to schools, which are complex formal organisations. Instructional activities are designed to help participants consider how to apply organisational and behavioural theories to their organisational contexts.
EDA6048 – Effective School Leadership
This course aims to encourage participants, as reflective practitioners, to consider what constitutes effective leadership in their school context and to construct their own ‘theory’ of educational leadership. It explores a range of established and emerging approaches and understandings of leadership, which are analyzed in relation to the assorted contexts within which leaders lead. While recognizing the importance of the principalship, the course assumes that leadership resides and operates across various levels within and outside traditional school boundaries and that teacher leadership is an important area of study. Areas covered include the context and purpose of leadership, distributed, transformative and emotional forms of leadership, as well as leadership across cultures.
EPA6102 – International Perspectives on Educational Reform
This course places the education reform agenda in its broad international context. It does so by considering a series of cases of education reform across the Asia Pacific. These draw on schools operating as part of national systems and in international school settings. It focuses particularly on those reforms that have as a driving force the new social, cultural political and economic conditions associated with the so-called knowledge economy. The course also introduces initial notions of education development and responsibility across the region, including the relationship between education and society.
EDA6009 – Leading Organizational Change
In response to the forces of globalization and technological change, organisations throughout the world are faced with the need to constantly innovate to survive and succeed. Research conducted in a wide range of organisations and societies concludes that leaders play a critical role in the successful implementation of change. This course is organized around a problem-based computer simulation, Making Change Happen. This simulation is based on three decades of research on successful change in organisations. The simulation focuses on implementing a specific innovation, new communication and learning technology, in a school system. Participants will seek to develop effective change strategies that address a common problem of organisational change.
EDA6090 – Leading Professional Learning
This course provides participants with opportunities to assess and further understand their own leadership and to consider what leaders can do to develop leadership potential in themselves and in others. It explores three broad themes: Leadership Development, Appraisal and Coaching. The first theme looks at how leadership development occurs in schools as a matter of design and through formal and informal social networks. The second theme provides an overview of a few key facets of appraisal: supervision, evaluation, and cultural considerations. Finally, the last theme provides a coaching model and training in skills for application in professional groups and/or school contexts.
EDA6005 – Leading Learning Organizations
This course introduces key concepts and issues in teacher and school development and the construction of learning communities at, within and across schools. The course encourages critical reflection on the ways in which people are supported, rewarded and developed in schools seeking to improve student outcomes. Some of the areas covered include intercultural leadership, optimizing professional and organisational capacity, focusing personal and professional development on student needs, network learning system leadership and performance management. Participants will be asked to examine the level of learning in their own organisation or system.
EDA6037/EDA6038 – School Improvement Institutes I/II
The residential, multi-day School Improvement Institutes (SII) focus on topics of current interest to leaders in the Asia Pacific region. The SII’s flexible nature allows us to tailor the content to the shifting needs of participants and to agendas of the region. They also aim to help put local problems faced by school leaders into a global as well as regional and local perspective. Using a combination of lectures and problem-based learning exercises, participants engage in a range of topics such as:
-Leading with data
-Leading change in people and systems
-Updates on leadership for learning
-Staff development for school improvement
– Organizational systems and change
– Executive coaching and development
All SII’s explore topics through the lens of leading in intercultural contexts
-One SII will be offered each July in Hong Kong.
– Each SII is equivalent to 3 credit points or one course.
– The focus of each SII will be determined each year to reflect the issues currently impacting on leaders and schools in the Asia Pacific region.
Participants are required to take one School Improvement Institute (either SII I or SII II) during the IELC. However, they may elect to enroll in a second in lieu of one course.
Basic accommodation expenses will be covered for one School Improvement Institute. Participants need to pay the costs associated with travel to the School Improvement Institute.
EDA6012 – School Inquiry Projects: Leading School Improvement
All students will be required to complete a School Inquiry Project. The project may constitute an inquiry and analysis of leadership and change, or the design and implementation of an initiative. In either option, the project that students propose should be one of significant importance to their own working context. The project will emphasize the application of leadership, teamwork, and project management principles.