Alumni Profile
The Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership & Change was the perfect fit for my situation and career plans. The IELC programme was very real-world specific and applicable to both experienced and emerging school leaders working in an international setting. The programme professors were supportive and accessible, and most importantly, what I was studying linked directly to my daily work. An added bonus was that I was able to complete two IB leadership certificates during the programme. The EMA and IB certificates significantly strengthened my resume and knowledge base and helped secure my recent post in Tokyo, Japan.
Canadian International School Tokyo (Japan)
The IELC program is not only for those that are beginning their journey into leadership but should also be considered by those that have been on the leadership path for a while. The program provides opportunities to authentically apply course material and research into everyday administrative experiences. The variety of educational experiences the course offers, tailored to the international school context makes this program valuable for leaders at any level within a school.”
Assistant Head of School
Chadwick International (South Korea)
It’s a wonderful destiny to join the IELC programme introduced by my colleague. When several online master programmes were recommended to me, one of the reasons I chose the IELC was because it contained the content of International Baccalaureate, which is the leading international curriculum, although it has not been introduced by my school yet. Through one year of learning in the IELC, I love it so much. There are always practical and effective leadership strategies, which is beneficial to my work and also life. IELC leads me a different attitude and altitude to be a leader and a teacher.”
Beijing Aidi Junior and Senior high school (Mainland China)
Sylvia QIN
It is too easy for us to get buried in our everyday work and life. Sometimes we may even forget what the purposes are of doing the things we do. The IELC program is just like a mentor who keeps pushing you to move forward and think about the bigger picture. It is challenging in terms of the effort and time I must devote to the courses. Still, it is also tremendously beneficial as it enriches my mind both academically and interpersonally. I get the opportunity to read and study cutting-edge theories from professors and exchange ideas with educators from various background. I strongly recommend the IELC program to anyone who wants to improve themselves.
Vice Principal of Secondary Section
Guiyang Huaxi Country Garden International School (Mainland China)
I completed the IELC a few years ago and found it both engaging and challenging. It was great to connect with other leaders in the region to exchange ideas and approaches and to contextualise learning. The best part for me was the innovative approach to both the delivery of the course and the assignments, allowing us to step away from the usual essay writing to create assignments that were more meaningful and interactive based on our own settings. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to take a deeper dive into Educational Leadership, especially those with International experience. I made instant connections with the theories explored in this Masters and was able to see them ‘in action’ as I continued my learning journey.
Malvern College (Hong Kong SAR)
The IELC has been fantastic throughout. The online programme is well designed with engaging lectures, and plenty of collaboration with lecturers and peers. I particularly enjoyed linking the learning in each course to my school context. The School Inquiry Project and the School-based Improvement Institute were great ways to apply learning and connect with other educators. I have made professional connections and I am excited to be a part of the alumni association.
Elementary Homeroom Teacher
Seisen International School (Japan)
Nationalities of IELC Alumni

School Locations of IELC Alumni

Positions of IELC Alumni

Data updated as of August 2024